Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Corporations Profit from Mass Incarceration and Privatized Prisons

  Many of the corporations of private prisons are funding and lobbying for anti-immigration laws. These prisons profit every time that an accused immigrant is arrested and detained due to the contracts that they have with various states.

Continuing to privatize prisons and detainment centers increases the lobbying to encourage stricter enforcement on crime and immigration laws in order for the prisons to turn a bigger profit. For example there was huge involvement of the private prison industry in drafting Arizona’s SB 1070 anti-illegal immigration law. Essentially every time a person is incarcerated the private prisons get paid. "Companies such as the Geo Group and CCA do not earn their money by providing goods or services to customers.  Rather, they make their money solely from the government, and solely for locking human beings in cages, mostly for non-violent offenses.  Further, these companies actively lobby for unjust laws, largely using the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a corporatist conservative political group."

The YouTube video below shows a clear explanation of how the private prisons and anti-immigrant laws are becoming a big profit to Private Prisons.
More information and current articles regarding the growth of Private prisons can be found at


1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Thank you for posting this. I am training to be a court interpreter and find a few things wrong with the way the interpreting system within the court works. As interpreters our job is not to do literal translations of the proceedings but to interpret chunks of meaning into a new language. We cannot, however, translate from legalese to plain common parlance. In a way, this system still keeps information hidden within its own language. At first I thought it was inefficient and now it seems like there is a purpose to keeping the legal proceedings linguistically complicated- in order to keep as many "criminals" as possible working in order to "repay their moral debt to society".
